Patterns and Constituent Elements of the khavun-chinis of Shushtar

Document Type : Original


1 Ph.D. candidate, Department of Architecture, AhwazBranch, Islamic Azad University

2 Department of Architecture, AhwazBranch, Islamic Azad University

3 Department of Architecture, ParandBranch, Islamic Azad University


Architecture in Shushtarhas evolved as the result of centuries of living experience in a region with a hot and semi-arid climate, representing a brilliant climate-responsive approach. A most valuable architectural strategy in this city is a type of brickwork (khavun-chini) which not only enhances the beauty ofthe structures but also caters to the climatic needs.The main objective of this research is to identify, document, and analyze the patterns and projection elevations of the khavunbrickwork in Shushtar. Using quantitative and descriptive-analytical approaches, 70 patterns from the facades of historical buildings in Shushtar, particularly from the decorative elements of main entrances and courtyard walls, mostly attributed to the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods,were studied. These patterns were documented through field studies in the historical fabric of the city as well as library research. Based on the obtained images, their patterns were drawn using AutoCAD software, and the collected data were uploaded to Excel to create analytical diagrams and perform quantitative analyses.According to the results, the average area of these patterns was found to be 0.45 square meters. Furthermore, the constituent elements of the khavunbrickworkwere introduced, and the role of each component in shaping each pattern was determined. The elevation of each pattern projectionwas calculated, and ultimately, the average elevation of the patterns was found to be approximately 35%. With the help of the results of this research, the conservation and reconstruction process of the khavunbrickworkscan be facilitated and shortened. Since the calculation and analysis of their constituent elementsare provided in this study, the amount of materials needed to produce each pattern can be calculated by referring to the tables in this article. Since the extent of the projection is a significant variable in the size of the shadow produced by that brickwork, the available data can also be utilized in assessingthe thermal efficiency and value of any brickwork.


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