Peer Review Process

Double-blind and Peer-review

The journal follows a double-blind and peer-review process whereby the authors do not know the reviewers, and vice versa. Writers should respect the confidentiality of the evaluation process and not reveal their identities to the reviewers, and vice versa. For example, the paper should not contain any information subject to self-disclosure, so that the referees can identify the author.

Authors should not publish their submissions on websites; because on websites, authors can easily identify the referees.

Authors should not nominate people they know who have already read the article or its previous version and made their suggestions to the editor-in-chief; because this knowledge or awareness automatically violates the process Double-blind and Peer-review.

Article Submission & Processing Charges

Article Submission Charge: 0 Rials
Article Processing & Review Charge: 4,000,000 Rials per review

The journal provides a waiver on production and publication fees for authors.

Peer-review Process