The Aesthetic of Modern Brickwork Facades of Residential Apartments in Tehran in the Last Two Decades from the Perspective of Critical Regionalism

Document Type : Paper


1 M.A., Research in Art History, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University

2 M.A., Research in Art History, Faculty of Art, Shahed University

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University


Mid-rise apartments are currently the most common type of residential buildings in Tehran. In the last two decades, brick facades with unconventional designs and modern patterns can be seen in residential apartments. This paper claims that this trend is a response to the prevailing residential facades and is thus a Regionalist endeavor. Therefore, this study aims to identify key examples of this trend in modern brickwork facades of residential apartments and to examine their responses to factors such as local climate and nature, sustainable architecture, architectural heritage, and regional conditions and limitations. The institutional factor, i.e., approved city ordinances, was also studied to clarify the position of Regionalism. In this descriptive-analytical study, four examples of the urban fabric of different areas of Tehran from the south to the north of the city were selected and analyzed. Qeytariyeh Residential  Building from the 2000s, 40 Knots House, Villa Apartments, and Kahrizak Apartments from the 2010s were described and analyzed with respect to their position in Iranian contemporary architecture and the aesthetic quality of their facade designs. During the last two decades, aesthetic changes can be observed in the expanding trend of modern brickwork facades, which aside from alignment with the three-dimensional modern brickwork in Tehran, bear a critical response to typical residential apartment facades regarding design and execution. In addition to its aesthetic function, the brick in these residential buildings also fulfills climatic and cultural functions. In the construction of these apartments, advanced structural technology and hand-made and machine-made bricks are used to create Regional architectural works conforming to the aesthetics of modern world architecture. From an institutional point of view, the approval of a small exemption from city taxes for brick facades and the attempt to influence facade designs have had some impact on the growth of modern brickwork facades in Tehran.


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