Comparative Study of Termite Nests and Nooshabad Underground Complex

Document Type : Original


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan


Nature is a key source of inspiration in environment-friendly design. In the bionic approach, humans can create spaces and elements adaptive to the environment and enhance their living conditions. Meanwhile, a comparative comparison of man-made and natural structures helps us to better understand this matter. This study conducts a comparative comparison of two natural and anthropogenic structure patterns by analyzing termite nests and the Ouee underground complex. First, through field studies and local surveys, the Ouee underground complex was investigated and analyzed. Then, termites and termite nests were investigated by documentary methods and library studies. Comparative criteria for the two samples were derived by examining different sources in three categories of form and structure, climatic solutions, and security techniques. The two samples were analyzed by the logical reasoning method. Finally, after a comparative review and analysis of the construction criteria and principles for each sample collection, it can be said that the Ouee complex and termite nests are very similar in structure. Similar techniques and solutions can be observed in the formation of troglodytes and natural complexes. Modeling of nature can be said to be an instinctive human behavior throughout history, as can be seen in the form of bionic architecture today or in the discussion of imitation of nature in the past. 


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