Developing a Conceptual Framework for Adaptive Reuse in Conservation of Heritage Buildings



Some heritage buildings lose their original function over time for a variety of reasons and thus require a change of use in order to survive. Nowadays, because of its benefits to buildings and society, adaptive reuse of heritage buildings is considered a sustainable strategy for preserving their values. This strategy can also make heritage buildings accessible and usable and improve their surrounding areas both directly, through the impact of the project on the environmental quality, and indirectly, through acting as a catalyst for urban development. However, the flexibility of adaptive reuse approaches necessitates the identification of criteria that, while preserving the values ​​and cultural status of heritage buildings, can meet contemporary demands through introducing new uses. This study aims to develop a conceptual framework for adaptive reuse of heritage buildings in order to identify and define adaptive reuse criteria. Therefore, first, the evolution of adaptive reuse theories and policies is examined. Then, the existing international documents in this field (starting from the 1970s) are reviewed and classified. Finally, expert views on adaptive reuse are analyzed. In total, nineteen criteria for reaching the maximum potential of heritage sites are identified using the interpretive-qualitative approach, logical argumentation strategy, and content analysis technique. An integrated assessment of all these criteria could help promote the sustainability of built environments and bring extensive economic, social, cultural, physical, and environmental benefits, meeting both preservation and sustainability goals.


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