Historical Morphology of Rural Fabric Between Bagh-i-Kohneh and Fin Gardens



As countryside of Kashan, Fin region has always been benefitting from more favorable climate owing to its proximity to Dandaneh Mt. as well as Fin spring. Therefore, so many historical gardens have been built there among which is the famous Fin garden, which is, currently the outstanding historical monument of this area. However, there are still remaining ruins of an older garden called Bagh-i-Kohneh southward. According to historical documents, the older garden had been damaged in an earthquake in late Shah Tahmasb Safavid time and as a result, a new royal garden was built again in a location closer to Fin spring outlet. Since then, the remnants of Bagh-i-Kohneh, probably received less attention since very limited historical documents have referred to it and the rural fabric between the two was rarely mentioned. The current research attempted to investigate the architectural and landscaping layout of Bagh-i-Kohneh. It also examined the spatial relation between the two gardens and the surrounding area of Fin garden based on historical documents, aerial photos and field studies analyzing reliable evidences. The results revealed that Bagh-i-Konneh had been standing until the beginning years of Pahlavi Dynasty. However, after constructing Fin-Kashan Road (Amir-Kabir Rd), the garden was divided up into two separate parts due to the road crossing. The area between Bagh-i-Kohneh and Fin Garden before the road passage was a royal Avenue (Khiaban) most likely dating back to Safavid era. In the immediate surroundings of Fin Garden, there are traces of other historical gardens and sites that corroborates to the fact that the present street in front of the garden’s entrance belongs to a later period.
