Landscape Aesthetics Based on Descriptive Poems from the Ghaznavid Era (990-1042 AD)

Document Type : Original


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

2 M.Sc., Environmental Design, Research Center of Historic Buildings and Fabrics, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism


It is necessary to study the landscape from various perspectives in order to perceive it aesthetically. Most previous studies about landscape aesthetics are either based upon non-Iranian references (therefore, they are irrelevant to the primary sources) or follow approaches used in the mid- to late centuries. This fact undermines our perception of the beauty of the landscape. For instance, restricting landscape aesthetics to its celestial aspects and focusing on divine aesthetics might limit the understanding of its more tangible dimensions. Therefore, the study of landscape aesthetics via its tangible elements can lead to a deeper understanding of it. The Persian descriptive poems dating from 990 to 1042 AD (380 to 433 AH), which explore the landscape and its aesthetic aspects, can be assumed as references to the question of the Persian viewpoint of landscape aesthetics during that period. In this research, we have chosen the poems of Unsuri-i Balkhi, Farrukhi-i Sistani, and Manuchehri-i Damghani (three poets in the Ghaznavid court) as case studies. Then, interpretations of the poems are provided as well as depictions of the subjective landscape as described by the three poets. Comparison between the reconstructed images beside the cognitive descriptions of the poets reveals the aesthetic approaches in that period. This subjective study of landscape aesthetics during the above-mentioned period presents an aesthetic framework focused on mundane aspects. Despite the resemblances in all three poets’ points of view, one could not deny the obvious differences in their approaches toward landscape aesthetics. The differences include the structural and hierarchical approach of Unsuri, the dynamic and hedonistic approach of Farrukhi, and the natural and time-oriented approach of Manuchehri.


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