Physical-Spatial Typology of Historical Mosques in Fars Province

Document Type : Original


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Shiraz University

2 M.A., Iranian Architecture Studies, Shiraz University

3 M.A. student, Iranian Architecture Studies, Shiraz University


Fars Province has always been known as one of the important political, social, and religious centers in Iran with many buildings with different uses constructed in it. In the Islamic era, the construction of mosques as religious foundations proliferated in the region. This even caused the conversion of some fire temples into mosques or the construction of mosques with simple to complicated layouts. With the passage of time and the lack of care for these buildings, some of them were either destroyed or lost their original formation due to inappropriate restoration, while some others are still preserved and registered. The purpose of the following article is to introduce and formulate a typology for the historical mosques registered in the province. Therefore, by using the descriptive-analytical method and logical reasoning, 63 registered mosques were examined. The samples were classified based on their constituent spatial elements and their type in terms of enclosure (closed, open, and semi-open). The findings of this research show that there are three main types of mosques in Fars, including mosques without open or semi-open spaces or “single shabestan,” mosques with closed and open spaces or “shabestan and courtyard,” and mosques with closed, open and semi-open spaces or “shabestan, courtyard and ravaq-iwan.” In addition to these three types, six of the studied mosques are considered exceptions due to their unique features, among them the Īj Mosque, Sangi Mosque in Darab, Jami‘ Mosque of Darab, Izad-khast, Sheedan Bowanat, and Khan Jahrom.


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