Square Kufic Inscriptions on the Portal of Masjed-e Jame‘-e ʿAbbasi of Isfahan: A Survey on Historical Authenticity

Document Type : Original


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Ph.D Candidate in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Shahid Beheshti University


This research aims to identify and assess the authenticity of the Square Kufic (mo‘aqqeli) inscriptions on the portal of the Masjed-e Jame‘-e ʿAbbasi of Isfahan. There are several Square Kufic inscriptions on the portal of this mosque, yet the historical authenticity of none has ever been studied. This research was done in three steps: First, we completely photographed the portal of this building. Then we made a panoramic image out of the photos from the facade, identified 46 Square Kufic inscriptions, and marked their place on the mentioned panoramic image. Then, we produced a two-dimensional map of that image and showed the current location of all the Square Kufic inscriptions of the portal on this map. In the second step, we identified the historical photos of the portal of this mosque and organized them in chronological order. Then, we overlaid these historical photos on the produced map and identified which Kufic inscriptions were damaged or collapsed and later restored. By doing so, we showed which of these inscriptions were still in place before the restoration of 1937-1938, and so, are more likely to be authentic and which of them are definitely not. In the third step, we compared the condition of the inscriptions which remained intact on the portal’s facade until the restoration of 1937-38, as recorded in historical photos, with their present condition and showed which ones are definitely authentic and which ones are not. This research shows that out of 46 Square Kufic inscriptions on the portal of this mosque, 34 inscriptions are historically authentic, 11 inscriptions were definitely lost before the restoration works of 1937-38 and therefore are not authentic. Moreover, the historical authenticity of one inscription is only probable.


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