“Geometry” (in Islam) is “al-Qadr” and “The Living Heart/Mind of Artists, Architects, Craftsmen and Engineers” is “the Laylat al-Qadr”

Document Type : Paper


Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology


Regarding the high importance and great value of geometry, we have heard that it was written on top of the entrance to the Academy of Plato: “Let no one ignorant of geometry enter.” Unfortunately, in most artistic, architectural, and industrial areas, nearly all of our young and highly active planners, designers, and engineers are unfamiliar with the spirit and essential meanings of the main keywords in the eternal culture of Salam (Peace) and Islam. They do not have any worthy or supporting knowledge of the related fields, which has resulted in their hindrance to such invaluable divine treasures and wisdom and their principles (and of their heavenly sources, i.e., the holy Qur’an and the Hadith). One of the main keywords of the eternal culture of Salam and Islam is “Qadr” (Geometry), and the other is “Laylat al-Qadr” (Divine Treasure of Celestial Geometry). This article aims to clarify some of the invaluable mysteries of these concepts and open an introductory way to the core of such a treasure. This article is based on the facts from the holy Qur’an and the Hadith and states that Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla is “The Absolute Living Knowledge, Life, Power, and Will.” It is “The Absolute Living Geometry,” and “His Divine Treasury or Kingdom” is “The Living Heart or Mind of Humankind” and it is “The Throne of the Divine Governor of the Holy Earth.”


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