Evaluating Creativity and Success among Architecture Students at the University of Tehran Based on the Four-Quadrant Brain Dominance Model of Ned Herrmann

Document Type : Original


1 Ph.D. candidate, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Associate Professor, School of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran

3 Professor, Faculty of Arts, Tarbiat Modares University


Creativity is a key matter in architectural literature and education. Creative teaching in architecture, on the other hand, could boost creativity in students. Ned Herrmann, who researched thinking and creative thinking models, associates the brain with four quadrants of intellectual desires, each with a distinct combination of individual thinking abilities. Hermann defines people with the dominant quadrant A as realistic and analytic; the dominant quadrant B as mostly organized and obedient to a program; the dominant quadrant C as emotional, flexible, and non-competitive; and the dominant quadrant D as most innovative and creative.
This article investigates the relationship between creativity and the academic performance of 121 students of architecture at the University of Tehran during the academic calendar 2014-2017 in terms of the four-quadrant brain dominance model of Ned Herrmann. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution tables and proportional graphs were used to analyze the research results. For inferential statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, Chi-square analysis, and analysis of variance were used.
The results of this study suggest that:

Although the students are interested in their education, they do not feel very successful.
Most students had B quadrant dominance.
There was no significant relationship between academic performance and creative thinking of students (brain quadrants dominance).
The existence of a significant relationship between the grades of students in the main courses of architectural design with the dominance of the D quarter shows that the instructors have more emphasis on divergent and intuitive thinking in their programs.

The outcome of this research should assist the educational planning of architecture programs in the country.


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