Cuerda Seca Tomb Tiles in the Shrines of Sultan ‘Ata-bakhsh and Sultan Amir Ahmad in Kashan (16th-18th Centuries AH)

Document Type : Original


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan

2 Associate Professor, School of Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Kashan


This paper examines cuerda seca tomb tiles from the late sixteenth to the early nineteenth century in the two shrines of Sultan ‘Ata-bakhsh and Sultan Mir Ahmad in Kashan. The first example belongs to a late sixteenth-century tomb, painted in two shades of cobalt blue against a white background. From the seventeenth century, at least four tombstones remain that are decorated with vegetal motifs on a yellow background, some of which interestingly lack any text. Early eighteenth-century examples include a number of tomb tablets consisting of four mud-brick tiles with a mihrabi frame. The few surviving works from the Qajar period are either made of blue and white tiles or of cuerda seca tiles with floral patterns. The main question in this research is documenting the formation and evolution of cuerda seca tomb tiles of Kashan and their difference in form and content from lustre tombstones of the early Safavid period. In terms of content, attention to Persian elegies can be seen as so significant that they replaced Arabic phrases used in previous periods. Regarding form, the investigated examples show more emphasis on decorative motifs, in contrast to text, as was used in lustre tiles.


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URL 1: (accessed: January 2022).