Filling the Know-How Gap by Promoting Pedagogical and Professional Skills Connection in Curriculum Planning



The duality and severance between knowledge and action, academy and profession has been a serious issue in contemporary urban planning literature. Considerable discussions and relevant questions have been posed from different perspectives in this academic realm. Coherent and significant possible linkage between the university course of “Urban regeneration for vulnerable historical urban fabric” and its relevant professional practices has been surveyed and examined in this study. The survey reveals that there is no noticeable evidence, supporting an effective influence of teaching this course in undergraduate pedagogy at Iranian universities on the technical abilities and skills of graduated students, working as experts in the field. “Urban regeneration for vulnerable historical urban fabric” as a theoretical course introduces urban areas that are deprived, dilapidated and susceptible in historical areas as well as possible ways of positive intervention. As a result of this study, the gap between academy and profession is identified and can be filled by including necessary practical skills and operational competence in a revised curriculum.
