Impact of Pedestrian Ways on Life in the Historical Urban Contexts، Case Study: Tarbiyat Pedestrian in Tabriz



Quality of life is an Interdisciplinary and complex concept that have numerous definitions based on the discipline context. Urban walkability and pedestrian pathways are proven to be integral aspects of urban life nonetheless means for preserving historical urban fabric by more humane usage of urban space. Urban walkability affords to fill the gap between modern and traditional cities by reconciling old and new movement and transit patterns. When it comes to historic urban fabric conservation, creating urban pedestrians spaces promotes longer people presence while reducing motor vehicles dependent transportation. This study through a descriptive- analytic case study method together with field study, pedestrians’ questionnaires investigates whether or not Tarbiyat urban promenade in the central historical fabric of Tabriz city affects urban space quality as well as walkability. A G Power software for sampling with not reversible probability together with 250 questionnaires is reviewed. The Analysis of physical aspects of pedestrian pathway shows both positive and negative impacts on quality of pedestrian's life. The study confirms that Tarbiyat promenade is one of successful experiences respecting social satisfaction and the quality of the urban environment. Different aspects of spatial quality including accessibility, aesthetics, urban landscape, pavement, furniture, urban characteristics, human scale, light and user behavioral qualities found to be major indicators for pedestrians’ satisfaction. However, high human density and limited access to vehicles space and few other factors worked against spatial satisfaction. By balancing the positive and negative indicators one may propose a pattern for successful pedestrian promenade pathways for Iranian cities particularly within historical urban fabrics. 
