Liveliness & Development in Islamic Architecture and its Knowledgable Effects



Unfortunately we have been moaning for more than three decades, scince the loss of the Islamic Art and Architecture’s Identity, and continueously complaining about its missing valuable & Holiness of fine and magnificente values. And, we have made a true effort in searching for it, knocked on every door and tried all unknown places for its humbly requesting. Even, some of our faithful companions to that magnificente era, haven’t set aside and unskillfully have been trieing to take out some of the past architectural corpse from their graves, and using them & their charactristics as the best examples and patterns of their time. And, not only they’re not ashamed of their unfine act, but also urging others in following their steps. The bitterness of my speech should not bring this thought to mind that “he is an advocate of the loose architecture of the present Islamic Iran”. But, I’m implying to say: although we’ve been talking a lot about the lost Identity of the Islamic Art and Architecture and of our own, but as a symbolic qoranic-saying of Haj Mohammad Ismaiel Doolaabi, we have barely searched for our lost and its footprints from where, in where and why have we been lost?! Doolaabi says: “when the Wise men, found the footprints of the lost, they noticed the prints are their own footprints”. Yes, they had lost themselves and so they were lost. They had lost god and thus the geometry of their God-centered thoughts & the knowledgable geometry of their art works were misplaced and so was lost. Then, we’re faced with this question: isn’t loosing our Godly true nature and eggos the reason we’re lost? This paper’s goal is to answer these questions. This truth that: We and our art have steped out of our Holy developing womb of the knowledgable geometry of God-centered thoughts & the body and Soules of ourselves and works. Although we should keep in mind that this womb is God’s Holy developing blessing and by stepping out of it, we are set back from continuous growth and flourishing. The next target of this article, is to explain the liveliness & development of the nature of Islamic Architecture and its knowledge centered effects and art works to explain this meaning that: in its scientific based-structure & existencial developing process of life, the Islamic Architecture and Urban Design, although conforms the timelessness of the whole being (in its wholiness principall structure), but in building-cells of the whole body, is sympathetic and in comparition with the Temporality of life of partial-being of the Creation.
