The Most Significant Visual Characteristic in Stucco Decorations, Ilkhanid Architecture of Iran



Ilkhanid, after Iran occupation, achieved Seljuq art and done some changes on it that improved Iran Islamic Art. One of the arts that considerate a lot in architecture was Stucco decoration. These stucco decoration are not identified as well as they are. Approximately the whole stucco are identified by archaeologists, they describe about relation between stucco place and architecture and the time of accomplishment. Seldom stucco motif and changing styles were investigated. In this essay, existence stucco decorations that related to the Ilkhanid periods are recognized. The processes they changed are investigated by learning the effects that they impress from earlier stucco such as Seljuq. In order to achieve the goal, by comparing the number of existence samples, the significant characteristics of stucco decorations were identified and their changes specified. Through observation and investigation by description-analysis method, as a result the stucco existence are effected by pervious Stucco especially Seljuq art. According to significant stucco decorations, they were changed in some motif such as geometric motifs, specific inscriptions that named Magheli and Bannaie, and Madar-o Farzand (Mother and Child) inscriptions, using the illumination motif of manuscripts and using some specific motif, Lotus Palmettes, Rosettes and Meander, in stucco decoration. These are the things that make Ilkhanid stucco different and fantastic.
