Spatial Structures of the Ilkhanate Governed Cities Known as the Greatness Pathways



The greatest architectural and urbanism upheaval of the Ilkhanate era is commonly agreed to be the development of such individual urban spaces and architectural constructions that had the sole purpose of introducing scientific information and religious beliefs to the society. These organizations often originated from and followed the aim of religious sites and the celestial leader’s graves and were commonly known as the “Abvab Al-berr” or greatness pathways. In this article, the unique architectural and urbanism characteristics related to the cities of the Ilkhanate era such as Ghazaniyeh, Rab’-e Rashidi and Soltaniyeh and their spatial qualities will be scrutinized. The survey is carried out by closely examining and analyzing the historical texts, deeds, scripts and documents at hand or detected while excavation throughout these complexes.
