Iranian Traditional architecture Education and Place of Subjective Perception in it



Valuable Iranian traditional architectural works show that they were made by the artists who had high artistic, technical and cultural abilities and such capabilities in these people show that they had good knowledge of architecture. It is obvious that, despite the lack of academic educational system during that time, the existence of these capabilities could not be carried out only by personal experiences without having proper professional trainings. The current Iranian architecture educational system has been established by Imitation of some Western educational system and some changes in them and deprived itself from using them by ignoring past positive experiences. Hence, it can be useful to recognize the experiences that were used previously in our country and combine their positive aspects with current educational system for architect’s educational improvement. The Main questions of the article are:
1-What were the main characters of traditional architecture education?
2-what are the negative and positive aspects of traditional architecture education from the subjective perception viewpoint?
This study uses content analysis and comparative method to study traditional architecture educational system of Iran and evaluates it based on theories of mind to recognition the positive features of traditional architectural educational systems.
